The Film will be streaming in Both English Subbed & Dubbed from October 18...
Re-envisioned Fish-Man Island Arc and Special Episode Will Stream on Crunchyroll Toei Animation has...
Crunchyroll has officially revealed its exciting Fall 2024 anime lineup, filled with new seasons...
Based on a New Story and Characters Designs from Creator Akira Toriyama, This Original...
Crunchyroll is set to bring more of the anime world closer to Indian audiences,...
Anime Fans to get First Peek at Crunchyroll’s New Look and Feel at SDCC...
Crunchyroll India Reveals The Regional Dubs ( Hindi , Tamil & Telugu ) Premiere...
Crunchyroll Acquires Worldwide Rights (ex. select Asian territories) Crunchyroll and Sony Pictures Entertainment Set...
Crunchyroll Mega Fans Get Access to Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Dawn of the Monsters, and...
Prime members in India can now access a treasure trove of anime content through...